Monday, April 25, 2011

Coming Soon :)

Hello Long Lost Blogging World :)

I'm back and hopefully for much longer than my last visit. However, I am changing the location of my blog as soon as I can think of a clever name for it. It's going to be....wait for it....drum roll please.....a baking blog :D I have always wanted to do a baking blog and there's no time like the present. Here's the dealio: I'm totally copying what that one chick did in the movie "Julie & Julia". Only I'm not going to cook my way through The Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. I'm going to bake my way through a particular baking handbook written by none other that the Martha Stewart. It's got six sections of sinful looking goodies and I'm gonna (eventually) make every single one of them! Unlike the movie, though, I shan't have a deadline or a specific day I'm going to bake on. Chances are I'll get around to making one or two recipes a week, but I would rather be flexible than put a lot of rules on the funess. And I'll be alternating baking from different sections so my family doesn't die from me making a million cakes in a row. :P And I have a digital camera now so I can take pictures of the stupidness I bake and you can drool over your computer screens and stare at the pies, cookies, and scones in longing and wishing you hadn't eaten that package of powdered donuts. :P
So my faithful (or not so faithful) followers, keep your eyes peeled for the first goody sometime next week. :)

Happy Eating,

P.S. I just read the above post to my parents. Then proceeded to brainstorm about what to name the new blog. It didn't take long before it was obvious. The new blog is officially christened, Stupid Good. The End.


Cheryl said...

You are stupid awesome! The End. Wait...and I love you. The End for real.

Amy said...

stupid good. I love it. and you. just sayin.

Ashley said...

I approve. Now you may proceed. :)