Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Big Picture

Confession #1: I don't know everything.
Confession #2: That really bugs me sometimes. To the point that I try so hard to figure it out that I totally miss the big picture and end up knowing less than when I started.
The past couple of weeks haven't exactly been a piece of cake for me and I found myself going, "why? Come on, God, clue me in here. You say this is gonna work out for my ultimate good, but...quite honestly, I'm not seeing it." Then I was reading in Hebrews about faith. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1. It reminded me of a Sara Groves song that says, "I want to know the ending, things hoped for, but not seen, But I guess that's the point of hoping anyway." In other words, I don't have to know how it's going to end, why it's happening, or what's going on, because the God of the universe has it perfectly under control. And if I knew everything, what good would faith do? And since God really knows what He's doing, there is no point in me trying to figure it out. Honestly that is quite a relief because trying to figure it out is exhausting. So, I will put my faith in the God of the universe who made me and planned out my life and keep reminding myself that, it's ok that I don't know everything.
O God, give me the grace that I need for today. Give me faith to believe in my heart, the stuff that I know in my head. And thank you that for the trials you put me through that draw me closer to You. In Jesus name, amen.

P.S. I'm preaching to myself here. It's possible I will forget tomorrow and need reminding again...feel free to do so. :)


Tom Gabbard said...


Seems like we're all learning those lessons.....over and over....we are all being conformed to His image. But,I agree, man is it hard at times! Also, what you said is true, we need daily reminders! That's what the body of Christ is for :)

Anonymous said...

"Yes, we must ever be friends; and of all who offer you friendship let me be ever the first, the truest, the nearest and dearest!" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

You're doing a good job, friend. We all struggle at times and the best remedy is to surround yourself with believers and friends who will encourage and stregthen you - and I know you've done that. Well done, good and faithful servant.

Anonymous said...

Where's the 'like' button?? ;-)