Monday night + Farmhouse Restaurant= Deadsville. I made $8 in tips tonight and folded napkins till I was blue in the face. Thank you, God for a job that I enjoy regardless of how much money I make. Thank you that I get along with my co-workers. Thank you that even after a really disappointing night of waitressing that I can come home to a cozy home with the people I love in it....and tacos. I love tacos too. Next Monday is the last Monday that Fontanel Attractions will be open on that day of the week so hopefully there won't be many more nights of $8 in tips.
I got to see my sister and brother-in-law this past weekend and we celebrated sister's birthday. :) I made a really nasty coconut cream pie and we went to Rose Peppers for dinner. (actually I was told the pie was good..but I think anything with coconut is vile.) Any-hoo, I miss them like crazy already and I hope to see them this next weekend. Today was Sister's actual birthday and I'm so thankful that God gave me the coolest sister on the planet!!!! Happy Birthday Sis!!!
Other than that, there isn't much to blog about. My life is really just been rather routine as of late. Get up, clean at Fontanel in the morning, come home, shower, do stuff around the house, go waitress at night, come home, collapse into bed. Repeat. :) O well, anything but Greystone Kitchen Staff. :P
At present, I am headed to bed for a bit of Psalm reading, then sweet slumber. Night everybody!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
November 20 is the best day ever.
This post is dedicated to my Greystone friend, Cat. :) She and I share a birthday and she's pretty much just a super cool person. She helped me stay sane at camp. I am honored to have inspired her to start her own blog, where I was even more honored to see that her first blog post was dedicated to me. :D So, I'm dedicating this post to you dear Cat. Can't wait to stalk your blog all the time. :P Love ya!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Good Story
I was piddling about on the Rabbit Room website this morning whilst I drank coffee from my new Rabbit Room mug, and stumbled upon this rather entertaining story. I thought you might enjoy it, as I did.
On a completely different topic, I just watched the movie Two Weeks Notice for the first time a couple of days ago. It's a Sandra Bullock/Hugh Grant film and I absolutely loved it. Very witty and a grand love story. Consequently, due to Mr. Grant's British accent, I find myself talking, thinking, and typing in a British accent. I quite enjoy talking this way, although it drives my brother batty. He might have died had he been with me at camp, because for at least 3 days straight we all put on British accents and said nothing without them. Some of us found that we couldn't stop after talking that way for so long. But any-hoo, I feel as if I'm just rambling now, so I'll bid you good day!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
At the Do Hard Things conference I found myself staring at the book table trying to narrow my purchases down to one or two rather than buying the entire table like I wanted to. Here's a little bit of the conversation I had with myself....(silently of course): " I'm at a Do Hard Things conference and I've never even read the book! I should get that one...wait...maybe a different one since I'll know the gist of the book by the end of the day?....No, because the book will have more detail, I'll get it. Ok, so maybe one more book.....I'm not even touching Systematic Theology....O! Here's Joshua Harris' newest. I bet that's good. I'll get this one. Well...I don't know....maybe I should get something that wasn't written by a Harris brother, since I'm already getting Do Hard Things and I've got two of Joshua's other books at home. Maybe I should get that book over there called Humility......Nah! We'll stick with the Harris Brothers." Before I could talk myself into another book I hastily made my way to the check out.
So, a couple of nights ago I couldn't fall asleep (surprise), so I turned on my cute little lamp and started Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris. I'm on the 3rd chapter and I can already tell it's going to be a great, challenging book. I love the way he writes and I was immediately into the book at the first sentence. I'm not going to tell you what it's about, because you just need to go get it and find out for yourself. So there! :)
I will give you a quote from the book though,
"Dug Down Deep is my reveling in theology in my own simple way-not too polished, sometimes awkward, less than scholarly, hopefully gracious and faithful. Even though these are deep truths, I don't pretend to be swimming in the deep end of the pool. I'm splashing in the shallow end. But if my splashing can inspire you to dive in, I will have succeeded."
When he signed my copy of the book, Josh wrote " Dig Deep!" And dig deep I shall. Thanks Josh! :)
So, a couple of nights ago I couldn't fall asleep (surprise), so I turned on my cute little lamp and started Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris. I'm on the 3rd chapter and I can already tell it's going to be a great, challenging book. I love the way he writes and I was immediately into the book at the first sentence. I'm not going to tell you what it's about, because you just need to go get it and find out for yourself. So there! :)
I will give you a quote from the book though,
"Dug Down Deep is my reveling in theology in my own simple way-not too polished, sometimes awkward, less than scholarly, hopefully gracious and faithful. Even though these are deep truths, I don't pretend to be swimming in the deep end of the pool. I'm splashing in the shallow end. But if my splashing can inspire you to dive in, I will have succeeded."
When he signed my copy of the book, Josh wrote " Dig Deep!" And dig deep I shall. Thanks Josh! :)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
This one time at church camp....

Sigh. I'm home from camp. Thank God! Not only am I home, but I survived 2 weeks of Camp Greystone Kitchen Staff Dish Crew. That right there is an accomplishment, ladies and gents. Trust me. The past 2 weeks were extremely challenging in so many ways. God had several lessons he wanted to teach me and I'm ashamed to say that I was not a very good student. I failed several times, but in the midst of that, there was grace and I made it through. And I came out on the other side stronger...I hope. :) So for those of you wondering if I had fun at camp...not really. For the most part I was homesick, tired, annoyed, and angry. Not to say that I had no fun at all, but over all....let me put it this way: I won't be going back to camp. The End.
Enough of that. The day after coming home from camp, I went to The Do Hard Things Conference. It was FABULOUS! Hand clap to Lily for all her hard work in bringing it to Nashville! The Harris brothers are talented speakers and had a great message to share to Christian and non-Christian teens. It was also super cool that the twins Alex and Brett had there brother Joshua Harris come a speak at the last session. I bought his latest book while I was there and he signed it for me and Hannah and me got to chat with him and his daughter for quite a while after the conference. He and his daughter are also Owl City fans, by the way. Just sayin'. :) I also got to talk to Alex and Brett and they signed there book for me too. Awesome family. Hannah and me really wanted to find out where they were headed to eat afterwords and "just happen to show up". But after thinking that idea through and how terribly stalker-ish the notion was, we decided to not to. :) So we ended the great day at the Farmhouse Restaurant where I felt like I had just returned from a different country the way they were so excited to see me. :) It was fun and I'm excited to get back to waitressing today.
So here I am back in my own house, in my own kitchen, with the familiar sound of the washer and dryer going and music to sing-a-long to. It's good to be back. But even though the struggles that I faced at camp are gone, there's a whole different set of them here at home. I left them here for 2 weeks and they were right there standing with my family to greet me home, threatening to make discontent even here in my own comfort zone. So I'll suit up once again with the armor of God and prepare to fight the temptations that will come my way today. And when I fall, Jesus will pick me back up again and with His help I'll keep fighting...because it's worth fighting for.
-Jessie Rae
"There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin's curse has lost it's grip on me..."
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Troy says I should blog about toothpaste....I use Colgate Total. The End.
Troy says I should blog about toothpaste....I use Colgate Total. The End.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
We Both Young When I First Saw You
"Romeo save me, I've been feelin so alone,
I keep waiting for you but you never come.
Is this in my head I don't know what to think,
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,
Marry me, Juliet, you never have to be alone.
I love you and that's all I really know.
I talked to your Dad, Go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, Baby, just say, Yes."
I keep waiting for you but you never come.
Is this in my head I don't know what to think,
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,
Marry me, Juliet, you never have to be alone.
I love you and that's all I really know.
I talked to your Dad, Go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, Baby, just say, Yes."
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ring Ring
Got my phone back.
"Several state lines keep us apart, but don't lose sleep cause I'll always keep you in my heart"
-Sky Sailing (also Adam Young)
"Several state lines keep us apart, but don't lose sleep cause I'll always keep you in my heart"
-Sky Sailing (also Adam Young)
Monday, August 9, 2010
I'm an idiot
So last night was pretty fun. We went out for dinner, mall, and movie night. I saw Charlie St. was good/ strange/ "who in the world thought of this story line?" I ended up bawling like a baby through half of it. Ya but the reason why I'm an idiot is that I left my phone at the theatre. Nice. So one of the sweet girls has to go into town for burger buns and is going to get it for me. So if you've tried to text me and I haven't responded, do not despair, I still love you, I just don't have my phone right now. :/
I also bought some new music at a music store in the mall. Good times.
I want to come home. The End. 4 1/2 days and counting.
-Jessie Rae
I also bought some new music at a music store in the mall. Good times.
I want to come home. The End. 4 1/2 days and counting.
-Jessie Rae
Sunday, August 8, 2010
That's What I Love About Sundays
Today is my favorite because not only is it the Lord's Day, but here at Camp's my day off!!!! :D I slept until I woke up, took my time getting ready, and went to church. Just got done with lunch and now I'm going to do absolutely nothing. :) Napping is definitely on that agenda. :P
Miss you everyone! I've got a week left to be here and then it's Home Sweet Home. Can't wait!!!!
Jessie Rae
Miss you everyone! I've got a week left to be here and then it's Home Sweet Home. Can't wait!!!!
Jessie Rae
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Dish Crew Life
I have a new and deep appreciation for our dishwashers at the Farmhouse Restaurant. Just sayin. I never want to see another dish again. But I can want in one hand and wish in the other. :P Today we had BLTs and sweet potato fries and regular fries, plus yummy bread....which means that we had a million and one sheet pans to wash. Good times. Ya.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Hey ya'll
At camp. Workin hard. Dead tired. Havin' a blast. Miss everyone a lot!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna have enough exercise these 2 weeks to last me the rest of the year. Just sayin'.
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