Monday, August 9, 2010

I'm an idiot

So last night was pretty fun. We went out for dinner, mall, and movie night. I saw Charlie St. was good/ strange/ "who in the world thought of this story line?" I ended up bawling like a baby through half of it. Ya but the reason why I'm an idiot is that I left my phone at the theatre. Nice. So one of the sweet girls has to go into town for burger buns and is going to get it for me. So if you've tried to text me and I haven't responded, do not despair, I still love you, I just don't have my phone right now. :/
I also bought some new music at a music store in the mall. Good times.

I want to come home. The End. 4 1/2 days and counting.

-Jessie Rae

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