I was piddling about on the Rabbit Room website this morning whilst I drank coffee from my new Rabbit Room mug, and stumbled upon this rather entertaining story. I thought you might enjoy it, as I did. http://www.rabbitroom.com/?p=9165
On a completely different topic, I just watched the movie Two Weeks Notice for the first time a couple of days ago. It's a Sandra Bullock/Hugh Grant film and I absolutely loved it. Very witty and a grand love story. Consequently, due to Mr. Grant's British accent, I find myself talking, thinking, and typing in a British accent. I quite enjoy talking this way, although it drives my brother batty. He might have died had he been with me at camp, because for at least 3 days straight we all put on British accents and said nothing without them. Some of us found that we couldn't stop after talking that way for so long. But any-hoo, I feel as if I'm just rambling now, so I'll bid you good day!
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