Thursday, August 19, 2010


At the Do Hard Things conference I found myself staring at the book table trying to narrow my purchases down to one or two rather than buying the entire table like I wanted to. Here's a little bit of the conversation I had with myself....(silently of course): " I'm at a Do Hard Things conference and I've never even read the book! I should get that one...wait...maybe a different one since I'll know the gist of the book by the end of the day?....No, because the book will have more detail, I'll get it. Ok, so maybe one more book.....I'm not even touching Systematic Theology....O! Here's Joshua Harris' newest. I bet that's good. I'll get this one. Well...I don't know....maybe I should get something that wasn't written by a Harris brother, since I'm already getting Do Hard Things and I've got two of Joshua's other books at home. Maybe I should get that book over there called Humility......Nah! We'll stick with the Harris Brothers." Before I could talk myself into another book I hastily made my way to the check out.
So, a couple of nights ago I couldn't fall asleep (surprise), so I turned on my cute little lamp and started Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris. I'm on the 3rd chapter and I can already tell it's going to be a great, challenging book. I love the way he writes and I was immediately into the book at the first sentence. I'm not going to tell you what it's about, because you just need to go get it and find out for yourself. So there! :)
I will give you a quote from the book though,
"Dug Down Deep is my reveling in theology in my own simple way-not too polished, sometimes awkward, less than scholarly, hopefully gracious and faithful. Even though these are deep truths, I don't pretend to be swimming in the deep end of the pool. I'm splashing in the shallow end. But if my splashing can inspire you to dive in, I will have succeeded."

When he signed my copy of the book, Josh wrote " Dig Deep!" And dig deep I shall. Thanks Josh! :)



Amy said...

if the Humility book was C.J. Mahaney's, I have it and you are welcome to borrow my copy when you're done with Dug Down Deep :)

Lily said...

I can't wait to read it!

And JRae! Your nickname :o)

Jessie Rae said...

Amy, that could be a good idea. :)How sweet of you to offer...are you trying to say I need humility?! :P

Lily, ya I know. I like it...I think it might stick.