Cue the Hallelujah Chorus!!!!!! Tomorrow is officially my last day to clean at The Fontanel Mansion!!!!!!!!!! And what's even more exciting (squeal of delight) is that I will be start training to be a waitress at the Farmhouse Restaurant that they just built at Fontanel. I am SUPER excited to start something new! It involves people and food....what else is there??? :)
Matt and Ashley came down this weekend and I (as always) enjoyed having them around. I REALLY REALLY hope they can move to Nashville soon. Sister looks rather adorable with her baby belly and I can't resist talking to her belly like a crazy person. :P O! While they were here, Matt let me drive his truck!!! IT WAS SOOOOOO AWESOME!!!! I've never really understood that whole "driving is fun" thing....but if you have a vehicle like that....everything becomes clear. I want one. The End. I have the coolest brother-in-law EVER. THE END.
At present I'm actually at Fontanel, in Mom's office drinking a cold coke in a can and enjoying some Vanilla Twilight after working for 10 hours. I should probably start planning what I want to meal I want to fix for the Bible study on Wednesday that I'm a part of. It's at an apartment complex in a part of town that most people find a little intimidating. And I won't lie, I was a little nervous when I signed on to be a part of it. And have already seen some things that shook me up pretty bad. But what boggled my mind, was that those same things were everyday life for the people who live there. It makes me thankful for the little things and even guilty for my petty worries and "problems". It shows me how self-centered I have become, when there are plenty of opportunities for me to forget about myself and serve others who need it more than I do.
The people that I've met have been so very encouraging, sweet, genuine, transparent people. And I have begun to grow attached to them and look forward to each Wednesday when I can cultivate deeper relationships with each of them and with the power of the Gospel show them Christ. In a way, they are easier to get to know than most Christians that I know, because they have nothing to hide, they don't try to hide anything and they will flat out tell you, ya I'm messed up. It's convicting to me, because even though I like to think of myself as a very transparent/open person, I know how to put a face on and I'm good at it....we all are. Being around this group of people has been very sobering and humbling for me and I'm excited to see what God is going to do in my heart, as well as theirs.
So ya, I totally did not even intend to write the above paragraph...I was actually on my way to ending the post, but out came that. :P Any-hoo.....
I want to go home now and go to bed. The End. :d
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
There's a Wocket in My Pocket
Reading children's books in the children's section at Barnes and Noble is super fun. Just sayin....:) I heart you Dear Twin!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
* meant to be read with British accent*
This weekend was Pirate Weekend at the Renaissance Festival and Ross and I took that glorious opportunity to dawn our pirate costumes and talk in British accents. We were graced by my dear twin's(Hannah's) presence and we had a marvelous time shopping, eating, Arrgg-ing, cheering jousters, admiring costumes, and wishing we had been born a few centuries earlier. :) (Ross had the coolest pirate hat, by the way.) I presently sit at the office table typing on a 21st century computer in a 14th century nightgown that I bought at the festival.....slightly contradictory I know, but indeed these garments are extremely comfortable! And extremely entertaining to wear...:)
I just finished some revisions on the first verse of a song I am working on and that in itself is exhausting much less after a day of such fun as was afore mentioned. I'm sure that song writing is not supposed to be this difficult and I know for sure that many others are much more skilled at it, but I am having fun with this challenge and I feel like the song has a message that everyone can relate to at some point in there lives. So, for now, I shall continue my efforts. Any advice from you experienced song writers is welcome and, indeed appreciated! With that being blogged....I shall now say so long, farewell.....and if I knew how to spell in German I would continue the line of the song, but alas I have not the energy or the motivation to look it up. In short.... Goodnight!
Jessie Rae(your friendly, late-night, rambler)
P.S. We also saw some really awesome friends at the Renaissance Festival...3 of which were riding a camel....just sayin.
P.S.S. Have you ever tried to spell "Renaissance" without looking it up?....I find it nearly impossible, not to mention frustrating. The End.
This weekend was Pirate Weekend at the Renaissance Festival and Ross and I took that glorious opportunity to dawn our pirate costumes and talk in British accents. We were graced by my dear twin's(Hannah's) presence and we had a marvelous time shopping, eating, Arrgg-ing, cheering jousters, admiring costumes, and wishing we had been born a few centuries earlier. :) (Ross had the coolest pirate hat, by the way.) I presently sit at the office table typing on a 21st century computer in a 14th century nightgown that I bought at the festival.....slightly contradictory I know, but indeed these garments are extremely comfortable! And extremely entertaining to wear...:)
I just finished some revisions on the first verse of a song I am working on and that in itself is exhausting much less after a day of such fun as was afore mentioned. I'm sure that song writing is not supposed to be this difficult and I know for sure that many others are much more skilled at it, but I am having fun with this challenge and I feel like the song has a message that everyone can relate to at some point in there lives. So, for now, I shall continue my efforts. Any advice from you experienced song writers is welcome and, indeed appreciated! With that being blogged....I shall now say so long, farewell.....and if I knew how to spell in German I would continue the line of the song, but alas I have not the energy or the motivation to look it up. In short.... Goodnight!
Jessie Rae(your friendly, late-night, rambler)
P.S. We also saw some really awesome friends at the Renaissance Festival...3 of which were riding a camel....just sayin.
P.S.S. Have you ever tried to spell "Renaissance" without looking it up?....I find it nearly impossible, not to mention frustrating. The End.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Twins for Life
Last night I spent the night with my Dear Twin, Hannah. Now, let me explain, we really don't look alike at all. But the scary ways that we are alike is rather astounding and has been super fun to discover how alike we really are. :) Any-hoo, we stayed up till past 2 in the morning, talking, laughing, crying, sharing life stories, encouraging and being encouraged by one another, and glorying in Christ's love together. I am excited to see what God is going to bring out of our new found friendship and I am so thankful for her.
After we finally exhausted all topics for the night we decided to go to bed. And it was one comfy bed, by the way,(thanks Lily!!!). The plan was to get up at around 8:30 to get to Pancake Pantry before it got to late in the day. Ya well at about 10:30 we finally got out of bed. :) But we still went to the wonderful Pantry of Pancakes and shared a FABULOUS plate of French toast and consumed a fair amount of that sweet nectar of life, also known as coffee. Thoroughly satisfied with our brunch we set out to do some shopping at the cute stationary/knick knack stores that are around Pancake Pantry. We found a few treasures and proceeded to Starbucks where we drank more coffee..Frappacinos(sp?) to be exact. And once again we talked and talked and discovered more ways we were alike and a few that were different to the shock of both parties. I so enjoyed sitting there with her in the sunshine and feeling like I'd known her my whole life, as opposed to only around 6 months....3 or 4 of which we had no communication due to our lack of commitment to letter writing. :P
After Starbucks she drove me home with the help of our trusty GPS who, by the way, is in desperate need of a good name. We parted with many hopes of similar future outings.
At present I sit at my dining room table, listening to Sara Groves, and feeling the love and warmth of a cozy home and a family that I wouldn't trade for anything. God is faithful and I'm so thankful that He is.
Monday, May 10, 2010
My Dream Job
My Senior year of high school I was in a Little Women play put on by the drama class of the homeschool tutorial that I was a part of. I played the part of Meg, the oldest March sister and had a marvelous time learning about acting, stage etiquette, and what happen when you forget your lines. :) I really had a blast and think it was one of the funnest things I've ever done. In fact, if you were to ask me what my "dream job" would be, I would have to say an actress. However, as much as I loved doing the play, I want to be in a movie....really bad. Sometimes when I watch movies I look at the different characters and think about how I would act out certain scenes or which characters I would like to play. Also when I watch behind the scenes stuff, it looks like hard work, but it also looks so fun and so interesting! I'm not even sure how one would go about getting into a movie, but I am going to find out.
What brought this subject up, you might ask?.....I spent all day organizing recipes and watching behind the scenes stuff on all of the Harry Potter movies. Thanks to my dear brother-in-law, I am now addicted. Thanks Matthew! :)
-Jessie Rae
What brought this subject up, you might ask?.....I spent all day organizing recipes and watching behind the scenes stuff on all of the Harry Potter movies. Thanks to my dear brother-in-law, I am now addicted. Thanks Matthew! :)
-Jessie Rae
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hutchmoot 2010

*squeals of delight*
Ok so for those of you who are Andrew Peterson fans and have heard of the Rabbit are so in for a treat. The Rabbit Room is having a gathering called Hutchmoot 2010 with concerts, story telling, and food! The coolest people ever are going to be there including Andrew Peterson. Go check out the website for a much more detailed and eloquent description. I SO want to go. The only downside is.....$$. I'm thinking about taking up donations or having a fundraiser of some sort....and I'm only half joking. I seriously want to be there! It's like a dream come true!!!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Good Stuff
Here is a really great article I just read on Plugged In website about why we love superheroes. And even if you don't like superheroes, read it anyway and then maybe you will. :) Ya I know I've already posted today, but when your whole day was planned to be taken up by normal festivities of the Lord's Day and then weather ruins those has a little more time on one's hands. :) So Blog On!
-Jessie Rae
P.S. To all of my church family: I REALLY MISS YOU!!!!!!
P.P.S. Click on the word "Here" for the link...for some reason it's not showing that the word is the link, but just click on it and it will take you to the article.
It's raining....Just Sayin'
Just in case anyone was unsure, it's raining....a lot. :P So, I guess we'll have to eat all of those cookies I made for church...shucks. O and the layered guacamole dip...bummer. O well, someone's gotta eat it....might as well be me. :)
So ya, we're just hanging out at the house, trying not to float away. I got some journaling done and looked through several food magazines and cut out yummy looking recipes. I also sat and stared at the newest addition to Owl City's t-shirt collection in sheer adoration and other words it's a really cool shirt and I would really like to have one....just sayin'. And for any of you fellow Owls out there, Owl City is performing in London next Sunday. Now why would you need to know that, since the majority of my readers don't live anywhere near London? I'm so glad you asked! Because it's airing live on t.v.!!!!!!!! Ok, I'm done ranting about Owl City...for now.
This weather is making me sleepy....very sleepy...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....I think it's nap time after I find a snack. :)
O, and by the way, Josh Groban in great rainy day music. The End.
-Jessie Rae
So ya, we're just hanging out at the house, trying not to float away. I got some journaling done and looked through several food magazines and cut out yummy looking recipes. I also sat and stared at the newest addition to Owl City's t-shirt collection in sheer adoration and other words it's a really cool shirt and I would really like to have one....just sayin'. And for any of you fellow Owls out there, Owl City is performing in London next Sunday. Now why would you need to know that, since the majority of my readers don't live anywhere near London? I'm so glad you asked! Because it's airing live on t.v.!!!!!!!! Ok, I'm done ranting about Owl City...for now.
This weather is making me sleepy....very sleepy...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....I think it's nap time after I find a snack. :)
O, and by the way, Josh Groban in great rainy day music. The End.
-Jessie Rae
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