Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's raining....Just Sayin'

Just in case anyone was unsure, it's raining....a lot. :P So, I guess we'll have to eat all of those cookies I made for church...shucks. O and the layered guacamole dip...bummer. O well, someone's gotta eat it....might as well be me. :)
So ya, we're just hanging out at the house, trying not to float away. I got some journaling done and looked through several food magazines and cut out yummy looking recipes. I also sat and stared at the newest addition to Owl City's t-shirt collection in sheer adoration and other words it's a really cool shirt and I would really like to have one....just sayin'. And for any of you fellow Owls out there, Owl City is performing in London next Sunday. Now why would you need to know that, since the majority of my readers don't live anywhere near London? I'm so glad you asked! Because it's airing live on t.v.!!!!!!!! Ok, I'm done ranting about Owl City...for now.
This weather is making me sleepy....very sleepy...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....I think it's nap time after I find a snack. :)
O, and by the way, Josh Groban in great rainy day music. The End.

-Jessie Rae

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