Saturday, May 22, 2010


* meant to be read with British accent*

This weekend was Pirate Weekend at the Renaissance Festival and Ross and I took that glorious opportunity to dawn our pirate costumes and talk in British accents. We were graced by my dear twin's(Hannah's) presence and we had a marvelous time shopping, eating, Arrgg-ing, cheering jousters, admiring costumes, and wishing we had been born a few centuries earlier. :) (Ross had the coolest pirate hat, by the way.) I presently sit at the office table typing on a 21st century computer in a 14th century nightgown that I bought at the festival.....slightly contradictory I know, but indeed these garments are extremely comfortable! And extremely entertaining to wear...:)

I just finished some revisions on the first verse of a song I am working on and that in itself is exhausting much less after a day of such fun as was afore mentioned. I'm sure that song writing is not supposed to be this difficult and I know for sure that many others are much more skilled at it, but I am having fun with this challenge and I feel like the song has a message that everyone can relate to at some point in there lives. So, for now, I shall continue my efforts. Any advice from you experienced song writers is welcome and, indeed appreciated! With that being blogged....I shall now say so long, farewell.....and if I knew how to spell in German I would continue the line of the song, but alas I have not the energy or the motivation to look it up. In short.... Goodnight!

Jessie Rae(your friendly, late-night, rambler)

P.S. We also saw some really awesome friends at the Renaissance Festival...3 of which were riding a camel....just sayin.

P.S.S. Have you ever tried to spell "Renaissance" without looking it up?....I find it nearly impossible, not to mention frustrating. The End.

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