Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
I'm Leavin' On a Jet Plane....not really.
This is totally off subject, but I wanted to say thank you to my Christian guy friends. All of you. Thank you for treating all girls with respect and honor. Thank you for being gentlemen. I think you gentlemen are slowing fading into non-existence. And I think sometimes I take it for granted. That is until I was recently exposed to another type of guy that I thought only existed in movies. So anyway, I just wanted to say thank you, and I appreciate it immensely!
-Jessie Rae
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Day 2- The meaning behind my blog name
-Jessie Rae
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Copy Cat
So, I am going to copy my dear friend Lily and do this here blog challenge thingy. Now who knows if I will do it every day, but it will eventually get done. So here we go:
Here is me and the guy with the brick I told you about a couple of posts ago:
1) I would be content to live and die in the kitchen. 24/7. The End.
2) I almost failed Algebra in High School. (and ladies and gentlemen, that's pretty sad when you're homeschooled...just sayin)
3)My new year's resolution this year was to not cut my hair...what was I thinking?
4) I want a tattoo....really bad.
5) I have a freckle on my ear. Let me clarify, I don't really see this as "interesting", but most people think it is when they discover it randomly. Shrug.
6) I am anti-Twilight, Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, and Just Beiber......
7) I was a preachers kid for 12 years.
8) In my 20 years of life I've lived in 13 different houses and 5 states.
9) My nickname is Messy Jessie....wonder why?
10) I'm an obesessive person. For example, past/present obesessions include, the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, Josh Groban, Facebook, red shoes, and Owl city.
11) I would love to be a storm chaser! Storms fascinate me and I'm just stupid/crazy/nutty enough to love something like that.
12)When no one is watching I turn up the music really loud and sing at the top of my lungs and dance around like a lunatic....but hasn't everybody done that at some point in their life....ya it's just that it was probably in their childhood rather than in their twenties....oh well. :)
13) I can burp louder than most guys. Thanks Aunt Cheryl. :)
14)I can hang upside down on the back of a horse...of course I need a trick riding saddle, but ya I can do lots of fun trick riding stuff thanks to Rodeo Camp in Colorado.
15) I've met Kenny Chesney, Big & Rich, Gretchen Wilson, Casting Crowns, Joe Nichols (sorta), and Steven Whitson.( he's gonna be really famous someday...just sayin)
-Jessie Rae
Are we gonna die?
Last weekend I went with a group of buddies to the Ocoee River and went white water rafting. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!
After getting up really early I was picked up and taken to Starbucks where we met the rest of the gang and hung out for a while drinking sugary drinks of caffeine goodness and eating scones. :) Then we set out for a little bit of a road trip. I had fully intended on sleeping most of the way there. But what was I thinking? We sang loudly, Anna and I got better acquainted, helped Michael drive, and Steven and John told corny jokes. Anna and I also counted how many times Steven announced, "We should've taken my truck....". I think the count was somewhere in the 50s? Good times.
Anyway, we finally made it alive to The Fat Frog, where we were given a paddle, a dorky helmet, and a life jacket that made the skinniest of people feel like a fat oompa loompa. Then we took a little bus ride to the river, met Jesse our super cool guide, jumped in a raft, and headed to find some rapids. We got really wet and the water was super cold and it was SUPER FUN! Plus, no one fell out of the boat and we didn't tip over. Woot! At the end of the ride there is a stretch of river where you can jump out of the boat and float along in the ice cold water which despite being numb, was really fun. :) On one of the really notoriously crazy rapids they snapped several pictures, and (as you can see) we split the cost of the best one. Ya that's me with the blinding white legs and my mouth wide open.
After the trip was over, we were wiped out and STARVING! So we headed to Cracker Barrel where I ate 6 biscuits covered in gravy and apple butter. And drank what felt like gallons of water. Then it was back on the road again to head home. Again, I intended on sleeping on the way home. I think I got maybe half an hour in.....ya. O well, it was super fun and I enjoyed getting to know Anna more. Dear girl, what would I have done without her?! We became kindred spirits on the spot and before the day was over we were reading each other's minds. :P
If you ever have a chance to go white water rafting, you should SO go! It's well spent money!
Quotes from the trip:
"Do better!"
"If we had taken my truck....."
"Are we gonna die?"
"I don't wanna die..."
"It's a Jeep thing"
" Are we gonna get wet?"
-Jessie Rae
Thursday, July 22, 2010
ABC, swimming, and bricks.
Monday- Housework duties in the morning, went to work and had lunch/dinner depending on who you are with a friend and then made absolutely no money waiting tables until about 8:00.
Tuesday-I slept in really late that day....then had lunch with my Carmenita and we talked wedding stuff and she promised not to make me wear a ugly dress. :) Then I went to work.
Wednesday- O this was a fun day....kinda. I spent 5 loooooong hours in an ABC card class so I could serve alcohol at the Farmhouse Restaurant. It was very very very boring. The End. After that I was a hop, skip, and a jump from Maurices and Shoe Carnival and in no time flat was swiping my card to buy a pair of red shoes, jeans, and 2 of which was half off since I bought jeans. Great day! Then I went to Bible study and heard some awesome singing and teaching. Then to prayer meeting where God was very present.
Thursday-Also known as today, I got up and peeled/slice/froze some peaches. I then put on my swimsuit and went swimming with my Hannah Twin and Ben Friend where we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and I got very red in the face. :) I then went home, got cleaned up, and went to work. We were pretty busy tonight and I made some good money. I also did the unthinkable....I wore a pair of crocs. Blah. I apologize to all you croc lovers including the sweet Lily that picked them up at the store for me, but as comfy as they are....They are hidious on me. But alas, I wore them anyway. Another highlight of the night was when I served a guest a brick....yes I put a foil covered brick on the plate and gave it to him. You know, it's funny, I've never seen anyone so thrilled to receive a brick before. But apparently it made his day. :) Glad I could help. :P
Any-hoo, I am SUPER SLEEPY and am off to bed for a busy day of grocery shopping tomorrow. Goodnight All!!!
P.S. Have I ever mentioned that I have the coolest Mom on the planet?? Well, I do...just sayin.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Andrew Peterson - Dancing in the Minefields (Official Video)
Andrew Peterson in all his brilliant-ness. This is such a sweet song. I love it. The End.
Monday, July 19, 2010
You gotta friend in me.....

So, I finally saw Toy Story 3 last night. Yes I know, it took me long enough, but now everyone can stop saying, " GO SEE IT!!!!!". :P I went in with high expectations and was not disappointed. I LOVED IT! Super cute, super funny.....and I didn't cry like some people I know. ;) I won't say too much about it in case someone hasn't seen it yet, but I will say...Spanish Buzz =my favorite. And even though he was evil, I thought Mr.Lotsa was cute with his southern accent and strawberry scented hugs. :P
Any-hoo, it was fun and I ate way too much popcorn and milk duds.....
Presently, I'm in my pj's on the couch, drinking my coffee, trying to wake up, and thinking about what a great God we have. And how un-thankful I often am when there is so much to be thankful for. However, this morning I am flooded with thankfulness for:
-Christ's death on the cross to pay for my sins
-Adult conversations with new friends and parents alike
-Milk Duds and popcorn....together.
-a copy of the Bible
-My mom....I wish I could convey in words how wonderful she is, but I don't think that's possible. Particularly I thankful for the way she is so practical when I am not. :) Thanks mom.
-My daddy....for the way he protects and loves me. :)
-music...all kinds
I could go on and on, but I need to get off of this couch...:P See ya, Dear Readers!
P.S. Previously on this blog I have mentioned marriage to a certain Adam Young/Owl City.....Clarification: That was a joke....:P
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Sailboats Wish that they Were Stars....
To some tired island,
In your heart,
Called Paradise"
-Sky Sailing
Today I am in a giddy, happy, thankful mood. :)
I'm thankful for:
-sonic cherry cokes
-real visible evidence of answer to prayer
-cell phones to call friends and share good news
-His all sufficient grace
-boldness to share the Gospel with co-workers
-coffee made by my brother :)
-true friends
-The most gorgeous wonderful mother ever!
-and a whole host of other stuff that I don't have time to list!!!!
Hope your day is super fantabulous!!!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
An Airplane Carried Me to Bed....
Monday, July 12, 2010
At this point I feel like I just rambled in the above paragraph and I'm struggling to really convey the thoughts that are bouncing around in this crazy head of mine. But maybe Andrew Peterson can help me out. He has a knack for saying what I 'm trying to say in a much more poetical way....he should really stop reading people's minds....
These are lyrics to his song, Love is a Good Thing:
"It knocked me down, it dragged me out, it left me there for dead. It took all the freedom I wanted and gave me something else instead. It blew my mind, it bled me dry, it hit me like a long goodbye, and nobody here knows better than I that it’s a good thing.
Love is a good thing. It’ll fall like rain on your parade, laugh at the plans that you tried to make, it’ll wear you down till your heart just breaks and it’s a good thing. Love is a good thing.
It’ll wake you up in the middle of the night, it’ll take just a little too much. It’ll burn you like a cinder till you’re tender to the touch. It’ll chase you down, swallow you whole, it’ll make your blood run hot and cold. Like a thief in the night it’ll steal your soul, and that’s a good thing. Love is a good thing. It’ll follow you down to the ruin of your great divide, and open the wounds that you tried to hide. And there in the rubble of the heart that died you’ll find a good thing. Love is a good thing.
Take cover, the end is near. Take cover, but do not fear. It’ll break your will, it’ll change your mind, it’ll loose all the chains of the ties that bind. If you’re lucky you’ll never make it out alive, and that’s a good thing. Love is a good thing. It can hurt like a blast from a hand grenade when all that used to matter is blown away. There in the middle of the mess it made you’ll find a good thing.Yes, it’s worth every penny of the price you paid. It’s a good thing.
Love is a good thing.
Do not fear."
-Jessie Rae
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A cat, A trampoline, and a Twin
-Jessie Rae