Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A cat, A trampoline, and a Twin

My dearest twin came over last night and we had a grand time! We watched a couple of movies and talked and laughed and were generally silly. :P Then we were in an adventurous mood and since all of our adventure ideas we came up with were illegal, we decided opt for something more pre-teen. ;) We grabbed our blanket, our comfy pillows, flash light, and bug spray and spent the night under the stars on the trampoline. :D However, Arwen, my rather attention hungry cat, was determined to sleep right between us. And what's worse....she didn't sleep. Instead she paced back and forth, stuck her nose in our faces, and just wouldn't lay still. And even after I threw her off several times, she wasn't getting the hint that she wasn't wanted. So, a combination of annoyance and frost bite drove us indoors at about 4 this morning. We commandeered my parents bed and slept quite snugly until around 9. Presently, we sit, eating eggs, drinking coffee, and getting our morning dose of Owl City. :) Good times. The End.

-Jessie Rae

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