Last weekend I went with a group of buddies to the Ocoee River and went white water rafting. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!
After getting up really early I was picked up and taken to Starbucks where we met the rest of the gang and hung out for a while drinking sugary drinks of caffeine goodness and eating scones. :) Then we set out for a little bit of a road trip. I had fully intended on sleeping most of the way there. But what was I thinking? We sang loudly, Anna and I got better acquainted, helped Michael drive, and Steven and John told corny jokes. Anna and I also counted how many times Steven announced, "We should've taken my truck....". I think the count was somewhere in the 50s? Good times.
Anyway, we finally made it alive to The Fat Frog, where we were given a paddle, a dorky helmet, and a life jacket that made the skinniest of people feel like a fat oompa loompa. Then we took a little bus ride to the river, met Jesse our super cool guide, jumped in a raft, and headed to find some rapids. We got really wet and the water was super cold and it was SUPER FUN! Plus, no one fell out of the boat and we didn't tip over. Woot! At the end of the ride there is a stretch of river where you can jump out of the boat and float along in the ice cold water which despite being numb, was really fun. :) On one of the really notoriously crazy rapids they snapped several pictures, and (as you can see) we split the cost of the best one. Ya that's me with the blinding white legs and my mouth wide open.
After the trip was over, we were wiped out and STARVING! So we headed to Cracker Barrel where I ate 6 biscuits covered in gravy and apple butter. And drank what felt like gallons of water. Then it was back on the road again to head home. Again, I intended on sleeping on the way home. I think I got maybe half an hour in.....ya. O well, it was super fun and I enjoyed getting to know Anna more. Dear girl, what would I have done without her?! We became kindred spirits on the spot and before the day was over we were reading each other's minds. :P
If you ever have a chance to go white water rafting, you should SO go! It's well spent money!
Quotes from the trip:
"Do better!"
"If we had taken my truck....."
"Are we gonna die?"
"I don't wanna die..."
"It's a Jeep thing"
" Are we gonna get wet?"
-Jessie Rae
Looks like you drew a crowd of spectators!! Were they impressed with the fine oremanship?
LOL! I'm not sure, Tom, but I think they were more there to watch people fall out of the rafts. :) Don't tell anyone but I had no idea what I was doing. It's a miracle I stayed in the silly thing. :P
I love your face in that pic! Typical you :)
"Are we gonna get wet?" Please tell me you asked that. Kind of like going ice skating and asking if the rink is slippery! You're the best!
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