So for those of you who didn't know.....I now have a car! A 2001 Ford Taurus that is a boring sort of greenish grayish color. It is sooooo awesome and wonderful and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have picture yet but when I do I'll post it.
I'm also going to probably post my work schedule on here so everyone will know when I'll be at the restaurant so you can come see me. :) Tomorrow I go in at one o' clock and I'll probably be there till 6:30 or 7:00. Yummy food and on weekends, live bluegrass. :)
-Jessie Rae
p.s. The car's name is Captain Jack Sparrow.
You have a car? When were you gonna tell somebody :)
HAHA!! Tom is funny :)
I am gonna try to come out and see you this summer!!
Congratulations! Nice name choice. :) My first car was a Taurus, too (a much older one, of course). I named it "the tortoise" because it went from 0 to 60 in like three days. :D
Ali Jo- PLEASE DO!!!
Melita- LOL! Mine is a little different. I'm going to have to be careful because it has quite a bit of "get up and go". :)
yayyyyy Jack!! He is just perfect!! Now you can move in with us! :D hehe ~;-)
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