So here you have it! If you haven't already seen Jack, here is a pic of him. :) We took him to get tags transferred from the previous car I had bought(some of you will remember Juliet) and on our way to the downtown county clerk office, my Dad and I saw a somewhat humorous sight. A red pickup passed us only to get pulled over by a motorcycle police man about 2 seconds later. This in itself is slightly entertaining...but when Dad looked to see who might be in the drivers seat, it was none other than Coach Fisher of the Tennessee Titans. Hehe! He was most likely on his way to football practice since we were just a hop, skip, and a jump from the practice stadium. :P
I don't work till 4 today so I'm getting things done around the house...including making a coconut cream pie. Why, you ask? Because one of the guys in the kitchen at the Farmhouse Restaurant doesn't believe I can bake.....so I thought I would show him a thing or two. Watch it completely flop and crush my pride.....:P I am taking a chance here, because I don't even like coconut, so I can't say that I even like my own coconut cream pie. So, I am relying heavily on the compliments and opinions of my family and friends.....I hope you people were being honest. :)
Today I am thanking the Lord for the music to dance to, a job that I love, co-workers that I get along with, His control over the weather, a car with a/c, a mom that I can call my best friend, a Dad who makes coffee every morning he's home without fail, a brother that keeps life interesting, a sister who gets my stupid humor, a brother-in-law who can quote P&P with the best of them, the grace to get up this morning (even if it was almost 10:00), and simple pleasures of life like cute aprons. :)
My dear sister, "Your good opinion is rarely bestowed, therefore, more worth the earning." What can I say about Captain Jack Sparrow...."He really is the best pirate I have ever seen!"
Speaking of Pirates, we are here, smack dab in the middle of Blackbeard's old stomping grounds!!
Matt: And you can quote pirates!!! "Is there anything you don't do?"
Yes, for real. We are staying on Ocracoke Island and this was one of his places to hide and rob ships. It is also the place where he was killed!!
Tom: THAT IS TOO COOL!!!!!!! .....wait why wasn't I invited on this little holiday?? ;)
O man, that's what we forgot!!
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