Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Not so random

I love how God knows everything. Like yesterday and even just this morning, He knew that I needed encouragement and even a slight nudge in the right direction. So He sent what some would call random texts and an e-mail with exactly what I needed in them. But I know that they were not so random. God planned it that way, cause He's just awesome like that. So this morning, I will suit up once again to fight the good fight and by God's grace I will do the same tomorrow and the next day and the next.

Here is a quote that was in my "not so random" e-mail from a dear Sister in Christ:

"We are not battling by ourselves―God battles for us! James is saying [in James 4], 'Don't you know that the Spirit who lives inside you envies intensely? In the middle of the battle you can't forget that God is a jealous God. He loves you too much to make room for other lovers. He will oppose your proud and self-absorbed living, not because he is against you, but because he loves you.' Praise God that he will settle for nothing short of the final victory in our hearts. Our hope to be who we were meant to be is directly tied to his jealous desire for our hearts. ...This jealous God is a giver of grace, the most powerful weapon in the war for the heart."

And in case I haven't said this lately: I LOVE MY CHURCH FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!! A LOT. THE END.

-Jessie Rae

P.S. Apparently I have a sparkly frugal ninja in my bedroom. Long story. Kinda creepy. O.o.

1 comment:

Tom Gabbard said...

Great words of encouragement indeed!!