Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Brooms, Pastries, and Ladybugs

So here's an idea of a day at that big log mansion that I clean. Above you see that I am sweeping...the pantry floor to be exact.
O look! It's time for second breakfast! :D Leftover pastries from yesterday's meetings...I love my job.
Here is the daily supply of lady bugs that get swept up in the Great Room. Yes, I am sweeping AGAIN!
Say hello to our newest addition into the Fontanel family. :)
O Gee! Look! I'm sweeping!!!! No way!!! I bet you would have never guessed that I would be sweeping....again. This time in the family room.
To keep from going mad with all the sweeping, music is a must. I spend a good amount of time in the sound equipment room changing songs/stations. Here you can barely see that I'm listening to Owl City...imagine that.
WoHoo! It's afternoon tea time! I could so be British...or Hobbit.

And here I am just standing the balcony that over looks the Great Room. This is also a favorite hang out for the lady bugs. But I decided to spare you another pic of those.

So there you have it! I sweep, eat, sweep, eat, listen to music, sweep, get the idea. Some other time I will blog about my window/mirror washing days....won't that be fun!!

:d Peace out!


Amy said...

you are so cute :)

Ashley said...

His son Fabio...:) Love the new fish!