Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Coming Soon

Good Day,
I expect that many of you are wondering what happened to my long, random, thoughtful blog posts. Well, never fear, they will soon be here. Due to the business of my life at present I have not found time blog of the recent happenings of my life. Which are, indeed, great in number and full of dancing, cookie, baking, homecomings, and greasy stainless steal. However, I am still waiting on some pictures of the afore mentioned dancing and have limited access to computers, at present. But you can be certain that an uncharacteristically long post is coming for the enjoyment of all you wish to read it. In the meantime, hold your horses and enjoy this FABULOUS weather!


*The above has been written in a British accent and therefore should be read by the reader in such a way. Thank you. The End.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

As soon as I saw the words "Good Day" at the beginning of this post, I couldn't help but read it with a British accent. You're cute. The end. :)