Thursday, March 4, 2010

Staying Wide Open

Here are the lyrics to a song by Sara Groves. It's called Like a Lake and as I listened to it this morning while I was trying to figure out what in the world I was going to do with my hair, I thought, what if we all fought to stay this open with our brothers and sisters in Christ? What if we were so transparent and let people see us hurt, let them see our struggles, our pain? How many secret sins/struggles could we shake if more people knew about them, could pray about them, could talk about them? I think that sometimes I am afraid of sharing my own struggles/sins because I'm afraid of people hanging those things over my head and constantly reminding me of them. But I have learned recently that staying open brings a sort of freedom, a huge sigh of relief that I don't have to hide anymore. I don't have to wear a mask. And those sins that I am staying open about have already been payed for when Jesus Christ died on the cross and the very second I confess those sins to Him, they are forgiven and forgotten. Halelujah, what a Savior!

So here are the lyrics, enjoy:

so much hurt and preservation

like a tendril round my soul

so much painful information

no clear way on how to hold it

when everything in me is tighteningcurling in around this ache

I will lay my heart wide open like the surface of a lake

wide open like a lake

standing at this waters edge

looking in at God's own heart

I've no idea where to begin

to swallow up the way things are

everything in me is drawing in

closing in around this pain

I will lay my heart wide open like the surface of a lake

wide open like a lake

bring the wind and bring the thunder

bring the rain till I am tried

when it's over bring me stillness

let my face reflect the sky

and all the grace and all the wonder of a peace that I can't fake

wide open like a lake

everything in me is tightening

curling in around this ache

I am fighting to stay open I am fighting to stay open,open, open,

oh wide open like a lake



Tom Gabbard said...

So thankful that we have a God who is ever ready to forgive and restore!

Amy said...

and I am thankful for glimpses of your open, beautiful heart!