Monday, March 29, 2010


You know how Monday always gets labeled as a bad day because it's the first day after the weekend is over and you have to go back to work and get back into the swing of things?...Well, I hate it that I have that mindset sometimes, but alas, it happens. So today I decided to make it extra special....I filed my taxes!!!! WOOT! Now I can officially focus on planning for vacation...which by the way is a little crazy this year since work is also going crazy.
But other than that wonderful part of life called "taxes", my day was nothing horrible. The sun was shining, I got to drive with the sunroof open and my aviator sunglasses on, I conquered my Coke craving with a yummy healthy apple, had an encouraging conversation with my friend, Carmen, and am about to go to bed with a full belly. :) Hope your Monday was equally wonderful....except for the taxes part.
In the words of Steven Curtis Chapman, "You are being loved!"


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