This morning my plans of grocery shopping were changed due to vehicle issues. Perfectly fine with me since grocery shopping isn't exactly my favorite thing to do, so I grabbed my journal and made myself comfy on the couch to catch up on some much needed journal writing. I was in mid-thought when my attention was caught by flashing lights across the street. It was a fire truck and out came four EMT looking guys with there purple gloves and official uniforms. They went up to our neighbors house who I knew was an elderly lady. They knocked on both front and back doors without any answer and proceeded to look into some of the windows. When they still found no way into the house one of them went up to the front door, took a step backward, raised his foot, and with one swift kick, sent the front door flying open. (I've only seen this done in movies, and it was pretty cool to see it in person). After that, one by one, an ambulence, two police cars, and three of four other cars that I'm assuming were relatives/friends, showed up at the house. They were there for a really long time and would come in and out of the house to get something out of the ambulence periodically. Eventually the fire truck left and a few of the other cars followed shortly after. And even the ambulence put away their empty stretcher and left. That left one police car that stayed for quite a while. I really had no idea what was going on, but assumed that since the ambulence had left, everything was ok. Unfortunately, my assumption was incorrect and at around 1:30 a hearse pulled into the driveway.....
I had never met my neighbor, but I was still very effected by her passing. I spent the rest of the day wondering, how many people's worlds were devestated today by the news that their loved one had died? How many grandchildren did she have? Had she ever been married? Did she know Jesus Christ? What was I so caught up in, in my little bubble, that I couldn't have taken over some cookies and introduced myself? How many Gospel sharing opportunities did I miss because I was too caught up in myself that I didn't really pay attention to my neighbors?
But, I know that sitting here feeling guitly about not knowing my neighbor isn't going to help me know the ones that are still living any better. So....I need to make some cookies. :)
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